Tuesday, March 4, 2008


  • Tell my story! Focus on my [leadership] activities for the year; refocus schools on senior services; develop a common data set; count any diploma that is accepted.
  • Choose my audience from the 7 community categories – segments; develop my leadership plan to include leaders from each of the 7 community segments; focus on the mission as you define group construction in/from the framework for leadership change; think from the bottom up.
  • Remember the “leadership matrix/framework” and relationships; Leadership skills can be learned; Leadership spans across roles; leaders may be formal or informal.
  • Effective networking is critical to sustainability; contact campus experts for assistance. Make contact – call – the people I know such as: Pollyanne Frantz, Jeff Schwartz, Betty Hale, other AHEN members, etc. Successful contact of a leader is a process over time – networking, not collecting business cards.
  • Write your thoughts down; bring it all together by folding and braiding; continue to hold workshops for our grantees.
  • Write letters of inquiry immediately; Use 990s more; LOIs and Foundation Centers – good resources and tools for raising funds; research funders prior to writing letters of inquiry.
  • We [all of the AHE Network] have some of the same problems (editor’s note: “comfort in numbers” or “misery loves company”); There are a lot o common issues among AHEN – keep in touch; we are as different as we are similar.
  • We are becoming more “in the know” through these regularly scheduled meetings.
  • We are a network working together to improve capacity of young people to continue their education; Progress is working together.
  • Long term impact comes from earlier sustained efforts; [Jeff needs faster results].

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