Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you are taking time from the "hurly-burly" of work to give thanks for our many blessings. I certainly count your efforts to improve educational outcomes in my home region among the things for which I am thankful.

I am pleased to announce that from this day forward, your Triangle, Square, Circle Feedback will be available on this web page. Take a look at the menu on the right side of the screen. The feedback will always be available under the heading, "What We Are Learning." As you review the feedback, note that you can make a comment, ask a question, or provide your colleagues with additional information.

The web page also provides a group summary of our substantive discussion about mission and job. On the menu, that info is currently available at mission and job. And, take a look at the Notes category; that is where I embedded an attachment sent to me by OACHE.

Finally, the page provides direct links to your and ARC's web site. Several of you informed me that you are just developing one, so we will add your info/link when same is available.

We will be back in touch as we work together to develop plans for our February gathering in Greensboro, NC.


Betty Hale said...

When working with youth who don't want a job, I think you have to keep showing them the data about the different "life" of those who have an education and those who do not.

Sarita A. Rhonemus said...

Greetings! I finally got my account to work!! I would suggest taking a field trip to a homeless shelter and possibly a "smelly" place of employment.

Joni said...

A kid who doesn't want to work, may simply be letting you know that the work they do know about (factory, coal mining, day labor) is not what they want to do. Finding ways to tap into "fantasy work" -- what they would do if they only knew how to make it happen, might be a way to inspire them to go for it.

Brenda said...

Good Morning!
The question on youth not wanting a job relates to the aspirations of the region. This is one of the most difficult aspects of our work. We need to work on helping the student (and the family) to identify their interests....
If we are to promote higher education, we have to work on helping identify the interests of the population and then connect to possibilities (aspirations).
There is a need for more career interest work in the elementary and middle schools to provide the youth knowledge of career clusters and then connect those to the region (people they know).

Chuck said...

I would agree with Joni. I believe it is an issue of the limitations of one's outlook on work. Many people have no idea what they can go out and do - their focus has been limited to the culture and family around them. My family, as well as many others, still looks for that career job where you dedicate 40 years of your life. That no longer exists. Children, as well as many adults, need to look at their interests and find that 'fantasy job'. I wish my guidance counselor told me more about the range of options; I was looking at a very narrow focus based upon general categories certain colleges offered as degrees. We need to help people see beyond that. This is where working with regional businesses help – especially when the local factory admits that they no longer take people with just a high school degree, they need skilled labor. That fallback job is no longer available when students decide that they need work down the road – at some point, now or later, they’ll need the information on continuing education because it is a necessity.