Friday, November 9, 2007

Attached is a lesson plan sent to Brenda Haas, OACHE, after the conference from a teacher in the training. It made her day!!

Choice B: Teacher Supplement

Since the Schools 2.0 workshop and my extended professional development the following week with the Appalachian Writing Project at Ohio University, I have begun development of a website for my Creative Writing elective. While website creation was not part of the Schools 2.0 presentation, it seemed the only place I could begin as a base to connect the technologies that are quite foreign to me (learning an easy way to website was actually gleaned from a fellow teacher at the Schools 2.0 workshop).

My website will function for teachers and students alike as a place to publish writing to an authentic audience. My goal is to create an atmosphere of shared writing where both teachers and students reveal themselves as writers rather than only teachers and only students.

Unlike the traditional newspaper, writings will be supplemented by podcasts of students / teachers reading their own writing. I’ve already realized there is a great hesitation on the part of students in my area to read their writing aloud over the internet. I hope such an awareness of audience can be harnessed as a motivation for good writing. Successful implementation will also benefit them (both teachers and students) a great deal in terms of positive attitude, regional identity, and self-confidence as writers.

I am currently proposing to my building technology coordinator a joint presentation to our district faculty over-viewing the various technologies introduced at Schools 2.0. Tanner Heaberlin and I will be conducting the training (pending approval) and I plan to network my project with district teachers at that time. My creative writing class will serve primarily as my student-networking starting point.

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